We had been to Cabo San Lucas a couple of times before, and this was a short time in port, so we just wandered around a bit. Our ship was anchored in the bay, and we were tendered to and from the shore (effectively making our time in port even shorter). Once on land we headed along the long, wide beach to check out a resort that our friends are part of. Then back into town for a quick wifi break at the McDonalds before heading back to the ship. We did see much more of Cabo than we had seen before - just didn't take any pictures of it.

Our tender ship to the port.

Walking along the waterfront, with the upscale shopping mall in the background.

A pirate ship party-boat heading out for the day.

Our ship, Norwegian Star, waiting for us in the harbour.

Another pirate ship - this one is actually a bar/restaurant in the resort complex that we visited.

A nice flower arrangement in the lobby of the resort. Yeah, not a lot of pictures to choose from for this port of call.
Next: (Day 17) Los Angeles, California
Prev: (Day 13) Acapulco, Mexico
Panama Canal - Jan 2018