Our first port of call was Key West, Florida. We didn't arrive until after lunch, but we have been to Key West before, so we were just doing a walk-about anyway. Very nice warm, sunny weather. We wandered up and down Duval Street, stopped in for beer and a bite of Key Lime Pie, found a few corners we hadn't seen before, and bought a couple of $5 shirts. Then we headed back to our ship on the Conch Train. We were docked at a naval base, so we had to be escorted across the base, and were forbidden to take pictures. Guess they don't want the enemy to know they have a tennis court. A nice afternoon for our last few steps on land before 7 days at sea.

The western end of Duval St.

Looking East, down Duval St.

The oldest schoolhouse in Key West.

A famous landmark in Key West.

The old Coast Guard Station, now the Clinton Square Market, filled with shops.

The side of Clinton Square Market.

Rooster and chickens are protected here. Surprisingly, there weren't all that many, but they were colorful (and tame).

The big church in town.

Inside the big church. And we're on our way to Europe....so this is just the *first* picture of a church. 😊
NEXT: (Day 12) La Palma, Canary Islands
PREV: (Day 2) Tampa, Florida
Transatlantic - May 2018