This was our first time stopping at George Town, Cayman Islands. The village is nice, if small. Many establishments along the main drag running parallel to the water. It only took us a few minutes to walk from one end to the other. A few shops along the way, but nothing that really drew our attention. We did find there was free wifi most places, so many people (like us) just sat around shopping malls getting internet. There were of course many different excursions you could book through the cruise ship, and there were many opportunities once you got ashore to pick up a local tour if you wanted.

Overlooking the "downtown" area of George Town before we caught one of the local tender boats to go ashore.

There were several ships in port this day, all being tendered in. This was for the Holland America ship.

One of the colourful natives of George Town.

Another colourful native - albeit an artist's interpretation of one.

This is four of the 5 ships in port. Our ship MSC's Armonia is on the left, then Carnival Sensation behind us. One the right is Costa's Deliziosa with the Regal Princess behind. Out of sight was Holland America's Nieuw Amsterdam. That made for a lot of people coming ashore into the small town.

Walking around the small town. It wasn't all that busy, given the number of passengers that were in port. I guess many, if not most, headed to the beach.

Some of the colourful buildings along the water.

Definitely would have been fresh fish.

This gentleman was making some very finely crafted cigars.

The small church in the downtown area.

And of course - another Margaritaville. George Town has free wifi everywhere, so we didn't even have to buy a beer this time. But we did use Margaritaville's washrooms.
NEXT: (Day 5) Cozumel, Mexico
Prev: (Day 3) Montego Bay, Jamaica
Caribbean-Cuba (MSC) - 2019
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