This page is about Roatan, Honduras, our first port of call after a day at sea. First off - WOW - what great weather. Sunny, warm, humid - so different from what we left at home. ( actually was sunny at home, just damn cold.) We had been to Roatan before, but only for a short visit, and we stayed pretty close to the cruise port "village". This time we ventured farther into the actual town.

The cruise port village, with waterside restaurants and shops. Behind the buildings, the buses lined up to take the cruiseship passengers on various excursions. There were also a lot of taxis for the independent types. The town of Roatan is to the right of the cruise port.

On the left of the cruise port were a few buildings...and a lot of vegetation. The two-level building on the left is the end-point for the inlet zip-line from the cruise port. You either waited for a (full) van to take you back, or you just walked (would have taken 10 min.) There's also an exciting high-speed boat that takes you on a sight-seeing ride around the island.

The cruise port market.

Passing through the gauntlet of private shore excursions in the cruise port village, we exited the gates, surrounded by another gauntlet of entrepreneurs offering a more varied menu of excursions.

Walking along the main street through town (along with many other passengers) we were accompanied by a young man telling us all about the town. We eventually explained to him that we didn't really want a tour guide, and cut him lose to try again.

Some of the fruit on display, not only for the tourists, but the locals as well.
I expect the architect's plans didn't really stop at this point - with a slew of rebar sticking out the top. Several buildings were in this "We'll get to it when we get to it." state. And I guess planning for electrical, cable and telephone wires was also an afterthought.

We walked along the main street of the town. (Not sure if there were any other streets.)

A mix of new, old, residential and commercial.

Lots of stray dogs, though none of them looked starved for food. But it was a hot, humid day, and I guess these guys knew how to cope in the heat.

Took this from a bridge crossing a small river as we walked along the main street. The road ran mostly this close to the water - just on the other side of the waterfront properties.

Our ship towered over the buildings. It would have dumped about 3,500 passengers into the little town. The restaurant with the pier in the foreground is where we went for some "beer-fi" (buying a beer in a local establishment so you can use their wifi).

Who's this guy running back to the ship??? The guy we were ALL waiting for! Dude came back over half an hour late for "all-aboard". We got under way shortly after. At least he wasn't left behind.
NEXT: (Day 4) Harvest Caye, Belize
Prev: (Day 1) Miami - Embarkation
Caribbean (NCL) - Jan 2019